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Search Jobs -Wiply Careers

Posted 3 months ago

Over ons:
Wiply is een innovatieve sociale mediaplatform die is ontworpen om geavanceerde functies en unieke personalisatie-opties te bieden. We zijn aan het begin van onze reis en zijn op zoek naar gemotiveerde en ambitieuze Vertegenwoordigers Verkoop om onze klantenkring in Nederland op te bouwen en ons platform te promoten.

Deze positie is volledig op afstand en uitsluitend op commissiebasis: uw inkomsten zijn direct afhankelijk van de verkoop die wordt gegenereerd door de klanten die u binnenhaalt.

Als Vertegenwoordiger Verkoop bij Wiply in Nederland bent u verantwoordelijk voor het identificeren, benaderen en onderhouden van relaties met klanten die baat kunnen hebben bij ons platform. U gebruikt uw vaardigheden en middelen om potentiële klanten te vinden, aangezien wij geen vooraf samengestelde klantenlijsten verstrekken.

Belangrijkste verantwoordelijkheden:

  • Klantacquisitie: Identificeer en betrek potentiële klanten in verschillende sectoren in Nederland die kunnen profiteren van het Wiply-platform.
  • Leadgeneratie: Bouw en beheer een lijst met contacten door middel van creatieve en proactieve methoden.
  • Productpresentatie: Leg de unieke functies van Wiply effectief uit, zoals personalisatie, hoge resolutie en ondersteuning voor nichegemeenschappen.
  • Onderhandelen en afsluiten: Sluit verkoopcontracten af met duidelijke communicatie over prijzen en de geboden waarde.
  • Relatiemanagement: Bouw en onderhoud langdurige relaties met klanten om loyaliteit te bevorderen en nieuwe verkoopmogelijkheden te ontdekken.

Wat wij bieden:

  • Commissiebasisvergoeding: Verdien een concurrerend percentage voor elke verkoop – zonder limiet op inkomsten.
  • Flexibiliteit: Werk vanaf elke locatie in Nederland, volgens uw eigen schema.
  • Autonomie: Neem de controle over uw verkoopstrategie en klantacquisitieproces.
  • Groei: Word onderdeel van een dynamische startup waar uw bijdrage directe impact heeft op het succes van het bedrijf.


  • Ondernemende mentaliteit en het vermogen om zelfstandig te werken.
  • Aantoonbare ervaring in verkoop of klantacquisitie (ervaring in technologie, sociale media of SaaS is een pluspunt).
  • Uitstekende communicatieve en interpersoonlijke vaardigheden.
  • Hoge motivatie, proactiviteit en resultaatgerichtheid.
  • Betrouwbare internetverbinding en een apparaat om mee te werken.

Hoe solliciteren:
Bent u klaar voor deze spannende uitdaging? Neem rechtstreeks contact met ons op via deze vacature om uw interesse kenbaar te maken en meteen aan de slag te gaan.

Help ons Wiply in Nederland te laten groeien en tegelijkertijd uw eigen succes op te bouwen!

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

Over ons:Wiply is een innovatieve sociale mediaplatform die is ontworpen om geavanceerde functies en unieke personalisatie-opties te bieden. We zijn aan het begin van onze reis

Quick Apply Read More

Posted 3 months ago

À propos de nous :
Kes me oleme:
Wiply on innovaatiline sotsiaalmeediaplatvorm, mis pakub tipptasemel funktsioone ja ainulaadseid kohandamisvõimalusi. Otsime motiveeritud ja ambitsioonikaid Müügiesindajaid, kes aitaksid meil Eestis klientide baasi üles ehitada ja platvormi tutvustada.

See töö on täielikult kaugteostatav ja tasustamine toimub ainult komisjonitasu alusel: teie sissetulek sõltub otseselt teie leitud ja teenindatud klientide poolt tehtud müügist.

Tööülesannete kirjeldus:
Müügiesindajana Wiplys on teie peamine ülesanne tuvastada, ühendust võtta ja hoida suhteid klientidega, kes võiksid meie platvormist kasu saada. Peate olema proaktiivne ja kasutama oma oskusi klientide leidmiseks, kuna me ei paku eelnevalt koostatud klientide nimekirju.


  • Klientide leidmine: Tuvastada ja kaasata Eestis potentsiaalseid kliente erinevatest sektoritest, kes võiksid Wiply platvormist kasu saada.
  • Kontaktide genereerimine: Luua ja hallata kontaktide nimekirja, kasutades loomingulisi ja ennetavaid meetodeid.
  • Müügipresentatsioonid: Selgitada tõhusalt Wiply unikaalseid funktsioone, nagu kohandamisvõimalused, kõrge resolutsioon ja tugi nišikogukondadele.
  • Läbirääkimised ja tehingute lõpetamine: Sõlmida müügilepinguid, tagades selge kommunikatsiooni hindade ja pakutava väärtuse osas.
  • Kliendisuhete haldamine: Luua ja hoida pikaajalisi suhteid klientidega, et soodustada lojaalsust ja avastada uusi müügivõimalusi.

Mida me pakume:

  • Komisjonitasu põhine tasu: Teenige konkurentsivõimelist protsenti igast müügist – sissetuleku ülempiiri pole.
  • Paindlikkus: Töötage kõikjalt Eestis, oma ajakava järgi.
  • Iseseisvus: Võtke vastutus oma müügistrateegia ja kliendiotsingu protsessi eest.
  • Kasvuvõimalus: Liituge dünaamilise idufirmaga, kus teie panus avaldab otsest mõju ettevõtte edule.


  • Ettevõtlik mõtteviis ja võime iseseisvalt töötada.
  • Varasem kogemus müügi või kliendihalduse alal (tehnoloogia, sotsiaalmeedia või SaaS-i valdkonna kogemus on eelis).
  • Suurepärased suhtlemis- ja inimestevahelised oskused.
  • Kõrge motivatsioon, proaktiivsus ja tulemusele orienteeritus.
  • Usaldusväärne internetiühendus ja tööks sobiv seade.

Kuidas kandideerida:
Kui olete valmis selleks põnevaks väljakutseks, võtke meiega otse selle kuulutuse kaudu ühendust, et oma huvi väljendada ja kohe alustada.

Aidake meil Wiplyt Eestis kasvatada ja samal ajal oma edu saavutada!

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

À propos de nous :Kes me oleme:Wiply on innovaatiline sotsiaalmeediaplatvorm, mis pakub tipptasemel funktsioone ja ainulaadseid kohandamisvõimalusi. Otsime motiveeritud ja ambitsioonikaid Müügiesi...

Posted 3 months ago

À propos de nous :
Wiply est une plateforme de réseau social innovante conçue pour offrir des fonctionnalités de pointe et des options de personnalisation uniques. Nous recherchons des Représentants Commerciaux motivés et ambitieux pour développer notre base de clients en Belgique et promouvoir notre plateforme.

Ce poste est entièrement à distance et basé uniquement sur des commissions : vos revenus seront directement liés aux ventes générées par les clients que vous apportez.

Description du rôle :
En tant que Représentant Commercial pour Wiply en Belgique, vous serez responsable d’identifier, de contacter et de fidéliser des clients qui pourraient bénéficier de notre plateforme. Vous devrez utiliser vos compétences et ressources pour trouver des prospects, car nous ne fournissons pas de listes préexistantes.

Principales responsabilités :

  • Acquisition de clients : Identifier et engager des prospects dans divers secteurs en Belgique qui pourraient tirer parti des fonctionnalités de la plateforme Wiply.
  • Génération de leads : Construire et gérer une liste de contacts à l’aide de méthodes créatives et proactives.
  • Présentation des produits : Expliquer efficacement les caractéristiques uniques de Wiply, telles que la personnalisation, la haute résolution et le soutien aux communautés de niche.
  • Négociation et conclusion : Finaliser les contrats de vente en garantissant une communication claire sur les prix et la valeur offerte.
  • Gestion des relations : Maintenir des relations à long terme avec les clients pour favoriser leur fidélité et explorer de nouvelles opportunités de vente.

Ce que nous offrons :

  • Revenu à commission : Gagnez un pourcentage compétitif pour chaque vente générée, sans plafond de revenus.
  • Flexibilité : Travaillez de n’importe où en Belgique, selon votre propre emploi du temps.
  • Autonomie : Prenez en charge votre stratégie commerciale et votre processus de captation de clients.
  • Croissance : Rejoignez une startup dynamique où vos contributions auront un impact direct sur le succès de l’entreprise.

Qualifications requises :

  • Mentalité entrepreneuriale avec la capacité de travailler de manière indépendante.
  • Expérience préalable dans la vente ou l’acquisition de clients (une expérience dans les technologies, les réseaux sociaux ou les SaaS est un atout).
  • Excellentes compétences en communication et en relations interpersonnelles.
  • Forte motivation, proactivité et orientation vers les résultats.
  • Accès à une connexion Internet fiable et à un appareil pour travailler.

Comment postuler :
Si vous êtes prêt à relever ce défi passionnant, contactez-nous directement via cette annonce pour exprimer votre intérêt et commencer immédiatement.

Aidez-nous à faire croître Wiply en Belgique tout en construisant votre propre succès !

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

À propos de nous :Wiply est une plateforme de réseau social innovante conçue pour offrir des fonctionnalités de pointe et des options de personnalisation uniques. Nous...

Posted 3 months ago

Über uns:
Wiply ist eine innovative Social-Media-Plattform, die darauf abzielt, modernste Funktionen und einzigartige Anpassungsmöglichkeiten anzubieten. Wir stehen am Anfang unserer Reise und suchen motivierte und ehrgeizige Vertriebsmitarbeiter, die uns dabei unterstützen, unsere Kundenbasis in Österreich aufzubauen und zu erweitern.

Diese Position ist vollständig remote und basiert ausschließlich auf Provisionen: Ihr Einkommen hängt direkt von den Verkäufen ab, die Sie durch Ihre Kunden generieren.

Als Vertriebsmitarbeiter bei Wiply besteht Ihre Hauptaufgabe darin, potenzielle Kunden in Österreich zu identifizieren, zu kontaktieren und für die Plattform zu gewinnen. Sie sind verantwortlich für den gesamten Verkaufsprozess und nutzen Ihre Fähigkeiten, um Interessenten aktiv zu finden, da wir keine vorgefertigten Kundenlisten bereitstellen.


  • Kundengewinnung: Identifizieren und Ansprechen potenzieller Kunden in verschiedenen Branchen in Österreich, die von der Wiply-Plattform profitieren könnten.
  • Lead-Generierung: Aufbau und Verwaltung einer Kontaktliste durch kreative und eigenständige Ansätze.
  • Verkaufsgespräche: Präsentation der einzigartigen Funktionen von Wiply, wie z. B. individuelle Anpassungen, hochauflösende Medien und Unterstützung für Nischen-Communities.
  • Verhandlungen und Vertragsabschlüsse: Abschluss von Verträgen mit klarer Kommunikation über Preise und den angebotenen Mehrwert.
  • Beziehungsmanagement: Aufbau und Pflege langfristiger Kundenbeziehungen zur Förderung der Kundenbindung und Erschließung weiterer Verkaufschancen.

Was wir bieten:

  • Provisionsbasierte Vergütung: Verdienen Sie einen wettbewerbsfähigen Prozentsatz für jede generierte Verkaufstransaktion – ohne Einkommensgrenze.
  • Flexibilität: Arbeiten Sie von jedem Ort in Österreich aus, mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten.
  • Eigenständigkeit: Übernehmen Sie die Verantwortung für Ihre Verkaufsstrategie und Ihren Akquisitionsprozess.
  • Wachstum: Werden Sie Teil eines dynamischen Start-ups, in dem Ihre Beiträge direkten Einfluss auf den Erfolg des Unternehmens haben.


  • Unternehmerische Denkweise mit der Fähigkeit, unabhängig zu arbeiten.
  • Nachgewiesene Erfahrung im Vertrieb oder in der Kundengewinnung (Erfahrung in den Bereichen Technologie, Social Media oder SaaS ist von Vorteil).
  • Hervorragende Kommunikations- und zwischenmenschliche Fähigkeiten.
  • Hohe Eigenmotivation, Proaktivität und Ergebnisorientierung.
  • Verlässlicher Internetzugang und ein Gerät für die Arbeit.

Wie Sie sich bewerben können:
Wenn Sie bereit sind, diese spannende Herausforderung anzunehmen, kontaktieren Sie uns direkt über diese Anzeige, um Ihr Interesse auszudrücken und sofort loszulegen.

Helfen Sie uns, Wiply in Österreich erfolgreich auszubauen und gleichzeitig Ihren eigenen Erfolg zu gestalten!

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

Über uns:Wiply ist eine innovative Social-Media-Plattform, die darauf abzielt, modernste Funktionen und einzigartige Anpassungsmöglichkeiten anzubieten. Wir stehen am Anfang unserer Reise und suchen...

Posted 3 months ago

Quiénes somos:
Wiply es una plataforma de red social innovadora diseñada para ofrecer funciones de vanguardia y opciones de personalización únicas. Estamos en el inicio de nuestro camino y buscamos Representantes de Ventas motivados y ambiciosos que nos ayuden a construir nuestra base de clientes desde cero.

Este es un puesto totalmente remoto y basado únicamente en comisiones: tus ingresos serán directamente proporcionales a las ventas generadas por los clientes que consigas.

Descripción del Rol:
Como Representante de Ventas en Wiply, tu objetivo principal será identificar, contactar y fidelizar clientes que puedan beneficiarse de nuestra plataforma. Deberás utilizar tus habilidades y recursos para encontrar clientes potenciales: no proporcionamos listas de clientes existentes.

Responsabilidades Principales:

  • Adquisición de Clientes: Identificar y captar clientes potenciales en diversos sectores que puedan beneficiarse de la plataforma Wiply.
  • Generación de Leads: Construir y gestionar una lista de contactos mediante métodos creativos y proactivos.
  • Presentación de Ventas: Explicar de manera efectiva las características únicas de Wiply, como la personalización, la alta resolución y el soporte para comunidades de nicho.
  • Negociación y Cierre: Finalizar contratos de ventas asegurando una comunicación clara sobre precios y el valor ofrecido.
  • Gestión de Relaciones: Mantener relaciones a largo plazo con los clientes para fomentar la fidelización y explorar oportunidades de ventas adicionales.

Qué ofrecemos:

  • Ingresos por Comisión: Gana un porcentaje competitivo por cada venta generada, sin límite de ingresos.
  • Flexibilidad: Trabaja desde cualquier parte del mundo, en tu propio horario.
  • Autonomía: Toma el control de tu estrategia de ventas y proceso de captación de clientes.
  • Oportunidad de Crecimiento: Únete a una startup dinámica donde tus contribuciones tendrán un impacto directo en el éxito de la empresa.


  • Mentalidad emprendedora con la capacidad de trabajar de manera independiente.
  • Experiencia previa en ventas o captación de clientes (la experiencia en tecnología, redes sociales o SaaS es un plus).
  • Excelentes habilidades de comunicación y relaciones interpersonales.
  • Alta motivación, proactividad y orientación a resultados.
  • Acceso a una conexión a Internet confiable y un dispositivo para trabajar.

Cómo Postularse:
Si estás listo para asumir este emocionante desafío, contáctanos directamente a través de este anuncio para expresar tu interés y comenzar de inmediato.

¡Ayúdanos a hacer crecer Wiply mientras construyes tu propio éxito!

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

Quiénes somos:Wiply es una plataforma de red social innovadora diseñada para ofrecer funciones de vanguardia y opciones de personalización únicas. Estamos en el inicio de nuestro

Quick Apply Read More

Posted 3 months ago

Quem Somos:
Wiply é uma plataforma de rede social inovadora, projetada para oferecer funcionalidades de ponta e opções únicas de personalização. Estamos no início da nossa jornada e buscamos Representantes de Vendas motivados e ambiciosos para nos ajudar a construir nossa base de clientes do zero.

Este cargo é totalmente remoto e baseado exclusivamente em comissões: seus ganhos serão diretamente proporcionais às vendas geradas pelos clientes que você trouxer.

Descrição do Cargo:
Como Representante de Vendas na Wiply, sua principal missão será identificar, contatar e fidelizar clientes que possam se beneficiar da nossa plataforma. Você precisará usar suas habilidades e recursos para encontrar clientes potenciais, pois não fornecemos listas pré-existentes.

Principais Responsabilidades:

  • Aquisição de Clientes: Identificar e atrair potenciais clientes em diversos setores que possam aproveitar os benefícios da plataforma Wiply.
  • Geração de Leads: Construir e gerenciar uma lista de contatos por meio de métodos criativos e proativos.
  • Apresentação de Vendas: Explicar de forma eficaz os diferenciais da Wiply, como personalização, alta resolução e suporte para comunidades de nicho.
  • Negociação e Fechamento: Finalizar contratos de vendas, garantindo uma comunicação clara sobre preços e valores oferecidos.
  • Gestão de Relacionamentos: Manter relações de longo prazo com os clientes para promover fidelização e explorar novas oportunidades de vendas.

O que Oferecemos:

  • Ganhos por Comissão: Receba uma porcentagem competitiva por cada venda gerada, sem limite de ganhos.
  • Flexibilidade: Trabalhe de qualquer lugar do mundo, no seu próprio horário.
  • Autonomia: Assuma o controle da sua estratégia de vendas e do processo de aquisição de clientes.
  • Oportunidade de Crescimento: Junte-se a uma startup dinâmica onde suas contribuições terão impacto direto no sucesso da empresa.


  • Mentalidade empreendedora, com capacidade de trabalhar de forma independente.
  • Experiência prévia em vendas ou aquisição de clientes (experiência no setor de tecnologia, redes sociais ou SaaS será um diferencial).
  • Excelentes habilidades de comunicação e relacionamento interpessoal.
  • Alta motivação, proatividade e foco em resultados.
  • Acesso à internet confiável e a um dispositivo para trabalhar.

Como se Candidatar:
Se você está pronto para enfrentar este desafio empolgante, entre em contato diretamente por meio deste anúncio para demonstrar seu interesse e começar imediatamente.

Ajude-nos a expandir a Wiply enquanto constrói seu próprio sucesso!

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

Quem Somos:Wiply é uma plataforma de rede social inovadora, projetada para oferecer funcionalidades de ponta e opções únicas de personalização. Estamos no início da nossa jornada

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Posted 3 months ago

Über uns:
Wiply ist eine innovative Social-Media-Plattform, die darauf abzielt, modernste Funktionen und einzigartige Anpassungsmöglichkeiten zu bieten. Wir stehen am Anfang unserer Reise und suchen motivierte und ehrgeizige Vertriebsmitarbeiter, die uns helfen, unsere Kundenbasis von Grund auf aufzubauen.

Diese Position ist vollständig remote und basiert ausschließlich auf Provisionen: Ihr Einkommen hängt direkt von den Verkäufen ab, die Sie durch Ihre Kunden generieren.

Als Vertriebsmitarbeiter bei Wiply besteht Ihre Hauptaufgabe darin, potenzielle Kunden zu identifizieren, zu kontaktieren und für die Plattform zu gewinnen. Sie müssen Ihre Fähigkeiten und Ressourcen nutzen, um Interessenten zu finden, da wir keine bestehenden Kundenlisten bereitstellen.


  • Kundengewinnung: Identifizierung und Ansprache potenzieller Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen, die von der Wiply-Plattform profitieren könnten.
  • Lead-Generierung: Aufbau und Verwaltung einer Kontaktliste durch kreative und proaktive Methoden.
  • Verkaufsgespräche: Effektive Präsentation der einzigartigen Funktionen von Wiply, wie z. B. individuelle Anpassungen, hochauflösende Medien und Unterstützung für Nischen-Communities.
  • Verhandlungen und Vertragsabschlüsse: Abschluss von Verträgen mit klarer Kommunikation über Preise und den angebotenen Mehrwert.
  • Beziehungsmanagement: Aufbau und Pflege langfristiger Kundenbeziehungen zur Förderung der Kundenbindung und Erschließung weiterer Verkaufschancen.

Was wir bieten:

  • Provisionsbasierte Vergütung: Verdienen Sie einen wettbewerbsfähigen Prozentsatz für jede generierte Verkaufstransaktion – ohne Einkommensgrenze.
  • Flexibilität: Arbeiten Sie von überall auf der Welt, wann immer es Ihnen passt.
  • Eigenständigkeit: Übernehmen Sie die Verantwortung für Ihre Verkaufsstrategie und Ihren Akquisitionsprozess.
  • Wachstum: Werden Sie Teil eines dynamischen Start-ups, in dem Ihre Beiträge direkten Einfluss auf den Erfolg des Unternehmens haben.


  • Unternehmerische Denkweise mit der Fähigkeit, unabhängig zu arbeiten.
  • Nachgewiesene Erfahrung im Vertrieb oder in der Kundengewinnung (Erfahrung in den Bereichen Technologie, Social Media oder SaaS ist von Vorteil).
  • Hervorragende Kommunikations- und zwischenmenschliche Fähigkeiten.
  • Hohe Eigenmotivation, Proaktivität und Ergebnisorientierung.
  • Verlässlicher Internetzugang und ein Gerät für die Arbeit.

Wie Sie sich bewerben können:
Wenn Sie bereit sind, diese spannende Herausforderung anzunehmen, kontaktieren Sie uns direkt über diese Anzeige, um Ihr Interesse auszudrücken und sofort loszulegen.

Helfen Sie uns, Wiply auszubauen, während Sie gleichzeitig Ihren eigenen Erfolg aufbauen!

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

Über uns:Wiply ist eine innovative Social-Media-Plattform, die darauf abzielt, modernste Funktionen und einzigartige Anpassungsmöglichkeiten zu bieten. Wir stehen am Anfang unserer Reise und suchen ...

Posted 3 months ago

Qui sommes-nous ?
Wiply est une plateforme de réseau social innovante conçue pour offrir des fonctionnalités de pointe et des options de personnalisation uniques. Nous sommes au début de notre aventure et nous recherchons des Représentants Commerciaux motivés et ambitieux pour nous aider à construire notre base de clients à partir de zéro.

Ce poste est entièrement à distance et basé uniquement sur les commissions : vos revenus seront directement proportionnels aux ventes générées par les clients que vous apportez.

Description du Rôle :
En tant que Représentant Commercial chez Wiply, votre mission principale sera d'identifier, contacter et fidéliser des clients qui peuvent tirer profit de notre plateforme. Vous devrez utiliser vos compétences et vos ressources pour trouver des prospects : nous ne fournissons pas de listes de clients existantes.

Responsabilités Principales :

  • Acquisition de Clients : Identifier et engager des prospects dans différents secteurs qui pourraient bénéficier de la plateforme Wiply.
  • Génération de Prospects : Construire et gérer une liste de contacts à l’aide de méthodes créatives et proactives.
  • Présentation des Produits : Expliquer efficacement les caractéristiques uniques de Wiply, telles que la personnalisation, la haute résolution et le soutien aux communautés de niche.
  • Négociation et Conclusion : Finaliser les contrats de vente en garantissant une communication claire sur les prix et la valeur offerte.
  • Gestion des Relations : Maintenir des relations à long terme avec les clients pour favoriser leur fidélité et identifier des opportunités de ventes supplémentaires.

Ce que nous offrons :

  • Revenu à la Commission : Gagnez un pourcentage compétitif sur chaque vente générée, sans limite de revenus.
  • Flexibilité : Travaillez de n’importe où dans le monde, selon votre propre emploi du temps.
  • Autonomie : Prenez en charge votre stratégie commerciale et votre processus d'acquisition de clients.
  • Croissance : Rejoignez une startup dynamique où vos contributions auront un impact direct sur le succès de l’entreprise.

Qualifications Requises :

  • Esprit entrepreneurial avec la capacité de travailler de manière indépendante.
  • Expérience préalable dans la vente ou l’acquisition de clients (une expérience dans les technologies, les réseaux sociaux ou les SaaS est un plus).
  • Excellentes compétences en communication et en relations interpersonnelles.
  • Forte motivation, proactivité et orientation vers les résultats.
  • Accès à une connexion Internet fiable et à un appareil pour travailler.

Comment Postuler :
Si vous êtes prêt à relever ce défi passionnant, contactez-nous directement via cette annonce pour exprimer votre intérêt et commencer immédiatement.

Aidez-nous à faire grandir Wiply tout en construisant votre propre succès !

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

Qui sommes-nous ?Wiply est une plateforme de réseau social innovante conçue pour offrir des fonctionnalités de pointe et des options de personnalisation uniques. Nous sommes au

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Posted 3 months ago

Chi Siamo:
Wiply è una piattaforma social innovativa progettata per offrire funzionalità all'avanguardia e opportunità di personalizzazione. Siamo all'inizio del nostro percorso e cerchiamo Rappresentanti Commerciali motivati e determinati per aiutarci a costruire la nostra base clienti da zero.

Questa è un'opportunità completamente remota e basata esclusivamente sulle provvigioni: il tuo guadagno sarà una percentuale diretta delle vendite generate dai clienti che porti a bordo.

Descrizione del Ruolo:
Come Rappresentante Commerciale di Wiply, il tuo compito principale sarà identificare, contattare e acquisire clienti che possono beneficiare della nostra piattaforma. Dovrai utilizzare le tue competenze e risorse per trovare potenziali clienti: non forniamo elenchi preesistenti.

Responsabilità Principali:

  • Acquisizione Clienti: Individuare e coinvolgere potenziali clienti in vari settori che possano trarre vantaggio dalla piattaforma Wiply.
  • Generazione di Contatti: Costruire e gestire un elenco di contatti utilizzando metodi creativi e proattivi.
  • Presentazione delle Vendite: Spiegare in modo efficace le caratteristiche uniche di Wiply, come la personalizzazione, la risoluzione ad alta definizione e il supporto per comunità di nicchia.
  • Negoziazione e Chiusura: Concludere contratti di vendita garantendo una comunicazione chiara su prezzi e valore offerto.
  • Gestione delle Relazioni: Mantenere rapporti a lungo termine con i clienti per favorire la fidelizzazione e opportunità di upselling.

Cosa Offriamo:

  • Guadagno a Provvigione: Guadagna una percentuale competitiva su ogni vendita generata, senza limiti di guadagno.
  • Flessibilità: Lavora da qualsiasi parte del mondo, secondo i tuoi tempi.
  • Autonomia: Gestisci in autonomia la tua strategia di vendita e il processo di acquisizione clienti.
  • Crescita: Unisciti a una startup dinamica dove il tuo contributo avrà un impatto diretto sul successo dell'azienda.

Qualifiche Richieste:

  • Mentalità imprenditoriale con capacità di lavorare in modo indipendente.
  • Esperienza pregressa in ambito vendite o acquisizione clienti (esperienza nel settore tecnologico, social media o SaaS è un plus).
  • Eccellenti capacità di comunicazione e relazionali.
  • Forte motivazione, proattività e orientamento ai risultati.
  • Accesso a Internet affidabile e un dispositivo per il lavoro.

Come Candidarsi:
Se sei pronto per questa entusiasmante sfida, contattaci direttamente attraverso questo annuncio per esprimere il tuo interesse e iniziare subito.

Aiutaci a far crescere Wiply mentre costruisci il tuo successo personale!

Job Features

Job CategorySales
Position typeRemote, Commission-Based

Chi Siamo:Wiply è una piattaforma social innovativa progettata per offrire funzionalità all’avanguardia e opportunità di personalizzazione. Siamo all’inizio del nostro percorso e cerchi...

Posted 3 months ago

About Us:
Wiply is an innovative social networking platform committed to delivering an exceptional user experience. We’re looking for a skilled UX/UI Designer to enhance the usability and visual appeal of our platform. Join us to help make Wiply a seamless and enjoyable experience for users worldwide.

Position Overview:
As a UX/UI Designer at Wiply, you will play a key role in shaping the look, feel, and functionality of our platform. Your designs will directly impact how users interact with and enjoy Wiply’s unique features, ensuring a visually appealing and intuitive interface.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Interface Design:
    • Create user-friendly and visually stunning designs for both web and mobile platforms.
    • Ensure consistency in design elements across all pages and devices.
  • User Testing and Research:
    • Conduct usability testing and gather user feedback to refine designs.
    • Use insights to inform design decisions and improve user satisfaction.
  • Collaboration with Developers:
    • Work closely with developers to implement designs effectively.
    • Ensure designs are translated accurately into functional interfaces.
  • Innovation:
    • Stay updated on the latest design trends and technologies to keep Wiply’s platform modern and engaging.

What We Offer:

  • Remote Work: Enjoy the flexibility to work from anywhere.
  • Creative Autonomy: Use your design expertise to influence the platform's future.
  • Collaborative Team: Partner with a supportive team of developers and marketers.
  • Growth Opportunity: Be part of a growing startup where your work directly impacts success.


  • Proven experience as a UX/UI Designer, with a strong portfolio showcasing web and mobile projects.
  • Proficiency in design tools like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, or similar software.
  • Strong understanding of usability principles, user-centered design, and responsive design.
  • Experience with user testing and applying feedback to improve designs.
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively.
  • Familiarity with front-end technologies (e.g., HTML, CSS) is a plus but not required.

How to Apply:
Contact us directly through this post and share your portfolio. Tell us how your design expertise can help make Wiply the most user-friendly platform on the web!

Join Wiply and shape the future of social networking!

Job Features

Job CategoryDesign and User Experience, Product Development

About Us:Wiply is an innovative social networking platform committed to delivering an exceptional user experience. We’re looking for a skilled UX/UI Designer to enhance the usability

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Posted 3 months ago

About Us:
Wiply is an innovative social networking platform dedicated to empowering users with customizable features and engaging experiences. We are seeking a talented and creative Content Creator/Copywriter to produce compelling content that effectively communicates Wiply's unique offerings and keeps our audience engaged.

Position Overview:
As a Content Creator/Copywriter at Wiply, you will craft engaging and informative content that resonates with our audience. From writing blog posts and creating social media campaigns to developing user-friendly guides, your work will play a critical role in shaping Wiply's voice and driving user engagement.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Content Development:
    • Write blog posts, articles, and social media content to drive traffic and engagement.
    • Create email campaigns that capture user attention and encourage interaction.
  • User Support Materials:
    • Develop clear, concise, and user-friendly guides, FAQs, and tutorials to help new users navigate the platform with ease.
  • Promotional Content:
    • Design and write promotional materials highlighting Wiply’s unique features and benefits.
    • Collaborate with the marketing team to align content with campaigns and branding strategies.
  • SEO Optimization:
    • Incorporate SEO best practices to improve content visibility and drive organic traffic.

What We Offer:

  • Remote Work: Enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere.
  • Creative Autonomy: Experiment with new ideas and showcase your writing talent.
  • Collaborative Team: Work in a supportive and innovative environment.
  • Growth Opportunities: Join a startup where your contributions have a direct impact on success.


  • Proven experience as a copywriter, content creator, or similar role.
  • Strong writing and editing skills with a creative flair.
  • Knowledge of SEO and content marketing best practices.
  • Ability to write for different audiences and adapt to various tones and styles.
  • Familiarity with social networking platforms is a plus.
  • Self-motivated and able to manage multiple projects.

How to Apply:
Contact us directly through this post and share examples of your previous work. Tell us why you’re excited about this opportunity and how you can help Wiply grow its audience.

Join Wiply and let your words inspire a global community!

Job Features

Job CategoryCommunications, Creative and Content Development, Marketing

About Us:Wiply is an innovative social networking platform dedicated to empowering users with customizable features and engaging experiences. We are seeking a talented and creative Content

Posted 3 months ago

About Us:
Wiply is a fast-growing social networking platform focused on delivering a highly customizable and engaging user experience. We are looking for a passionate and proactive Community Manager to build, grow, and nurture our user community, ensuring a vibrant and supportive environment for all users.

Position Overview:
As a Community Manager at Wiply, you will act as the bridge between our platform and its users. Your goal will be to foster a positive community experience, engage users, and ensure their voices are heard. You will also work closely with the marketing and product teams to enhance user engagement and gather valuable feedback to drive improvements.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Community Engagement:
    • Interact with users across Wiply’s platform and social media channels to build strong relationships.
    • Respond to user questions, comments, and concerns in a timely and professional manner.
  • Content Creation:
    • Create and curate engaging content such as posts, polls, and discussions to stimulate community activity.
    • Organize virtual events, contests, or campaigns to keep the community active and engaged.
  • Moderation:
    • Ensure the community adheres to platform guidelines and maintain a positive, safe, and respectful environment.
    • Handle disputes or conflicts between users diplomatically.
  • Feedback Collection:
    • Actively listen to user feedback and share insights with the product and marketing teams.
    • Suggest features or improvements based on community needs and preferences.
  • Analytics and Reporting:
    • Track community metrics such as engagement, growth, and sentiment.
    • Provide regular reports with actionable insights to improve user satisfaction and activity.

What We Offer:

  • Remote Work: Enjoy the flexibility of working from anywhere.
  • Collaborative Culture: Join a supportive team in a fast-paced, startup environment.
  • Opportunity to Grow: Be part of a company where your contributions directly impact growth and success.
  • Creative Freedom: Experiment with new ways to engage and grow the community.


  • Proven experience as a Community Manager, Social Media Manager, or similar role.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong understanding of social networking platforms and online community dynamics.
  • Creativity, empathy, and a passion for connecting with people.
  • Experience with community management tools and analytics is a plus.

How to Apply:
Contact us directly through this post to express your interest and share your experience in community management. Let us know why you’re excited about joining Wiply and how you can make a difference in our community.

Help us build a thriving and engaging community at Wiply!

Job Features

Job CategoryCommunications, Marketing, Public Relationships

About Us:Wiply is a fast-growing social networking platform focused on delivering a highly customizable and engaging user experience. We are looking for a passionate and proactive

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Posted 3 months ago

About Us:
Wiply is an innovative social networking platform with a mission to empower users and businesses with unique customization, privacy, and collaboration tools. As a growing startup, we are looking for an experienced and resourceful Partnership Development Manager to build and nurture strategic alliances that will drive growth and expand our market presence.

Position Overview:
As the Partnership Development Manager, you will be responsible for identifying, negotiating, and managing partnerships that align with Wiply’s vision and objectives. You will play a key role in creating mutually beneficial relationships with businesses, organizations, and influencers to enhance Wiply’s offerings and reach.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Strategic Partnership Development:
    • Identify potential partners, including businesses, influencers, and organizations, that align with Wiply’s goals.
    • Develop proposals and pitch Wiply’s value proposition to potential partners.
  • Negotiation and Agreement Management:
    • Negotiate partnership terms, ensuring mutual value and alignment with company objectives.
    • Draft and manage partnership agreements, working closely with legal and executive teams.
  • Relationship Management:
    • Maintain and grow strong, long-term relationships with partners.
    • Act as the primary point of contact, ensuring partner satisfaction and addressing concerns.
  • Collaborative Planning:
    • Work with marketing, sales, and product teams to design and execute campaigns or initiatives that leverage partnerships.
    • Ensure partners are equipped with the tools and resources needed to promote Wiply effectively.
  • Performance Tracking and Reporting:
    • Monitor the success of partnerships and provide regular performance reports.
    • Identify opportunities to optimize and expand partnerships for greater impact.

What We Offer:

  • Remote Work: Enjoy the flexibility to work from anywhere.
  • Impactful Role: Be part of a startup where your efforts will directly influence growth and success.
  • Competitive Compensation: Base salary plus performance-based bonuses tied to partnership outcomes.
  • Creative Freedom: Shape Wiply’s partnership strategy and bring innovative ideas to life.
  • Supportive Team: Work alongside passionate and collaborative team members in a dynamic environment.


  • Proven experience in business development, partnership management, or a similar role.
  • Strong negotiation, communication, and relationship-building skills.
  • Ability to understand and articulate Wiply’s value proposition to potential partners.
  • Results-driven mindset with a focus on meeting and exceeding targets.
  • Familiarity with social networking or SaaS industries is a plus.
  • Self-motivated and comfortable working in a startup environment.

How to Apply:
Contact us directly through this post and tell us about your experience in partnership development and how you can contribute to Wiply’s growth.

Join Wiply and help us build meaningful partnerships that make a global impact!

Job Features

Job CategoryMarketing, Sales

About Us:Wiply is an innovative social networking platform with a mission to empower users and businesses with unique customization, privacy, and collaboration tools. As a growing

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Posted 3 months ago

About Us:
Wiply is a fast-growing social networking platform with innovative features designed to empower users and businesses. We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Affiliate Program Manager to build and grow a successful affiliate network. This is an exciting opportunity to take the lead in developing a critical program that will drive user acquisition and revenue growth for Wiply.

Position Overview:
As the Affiliate Program Manager, you will be responsible for designing, launching, and managing Wiply’s affiliate marketing program. You will recruit and engage affiliates, provide them with the tools they need to succeed, and ensure the program delivers measurable results.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Program Development:
    • Design and implement Wiply’s affiliate program strategy.
    • Develop competitive commission structures and incentive plans to attract affiliates.
  • Affiliate Recruitment:
    • Identify, reach out to, and onboard potential affiliates across various industries.
    • Build and maintain strong relationships with affiliates to ensure long-term collaboration.
  • Affiliate Support:
    • Provide affiliates with marketing materials, tools, and support to maximize their success.
    • Conduct regular training sessions and share best practices to improve performance.
  • Performance Monitoring:
    • Track and analyze affiliate performance using analytics tools to measure ROI.
    • Provide detailed reports on program performance and suggest improvements.
  • Collaboration:
    • Work closely with the marketing and sales teams to align affiliate efforts with broader company goals.
    • Collaborate with product teams to ensure affiliates are promoting the most relevant features.

What We Offer:

  • Remote Work: Work from anywhere with a flexible schedule.
  • Competitive Compensation: Earn a base salary with performance-based bonuses tied to program success.
  • Growth Opportunity: Be part of a growing startup where you can shape the future of the affiliate program.
  • Creative Freedom: Take full ownership of the affiliate strategy and experiment with innovative approaches.
  • Supportive Environment: Join a collaborative team focused on growth and innovation.


  • Proven experience in managing affiliate programs or similar roles.
  • Strong understanding of affiliate marketing strategies, tools, and platforms.
  • Excellent communication and relationship-building skills.
  • Analytical mindset with the ability to track performance and optimize campaigns.
  • Self-motivated, organized, and able to work independently.
  • Familiarity with social networking or SaaS products is a plus.

How to Apply:
If you’re ready to lead Wiply’s affiliate program and drive measurable growth, contact us directly through this post and share your experience in affiliate marketing and any success stories you’ve achieved.

Join Wiply and help us build a thriving affiliate network that reaches users worldwide!

Job Features

Job CategoryMarketing, Sales

About Us:Wiply is a fast-growing social networking platform with innovative features designed to empower users and businesses. We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Affiliate Program

Posted 3 months ago

About Us:
Wiply is a cutting-edge social networking platform designed to provide users with unparalleled customization, privacy, and community engagement features. As a growing startup, we are looking for a passionate and creative Digital Marketing Specialist to help us expand our brand, attract new users, and maximize our digital presence.

Position Overview:
As a Digital Marketing Specialist at Wiply, you will be responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies that drive traffic, engagement, and conversions. You will have the creative freedom to experiment with innovative approaches while working closely with our team to align marketing efforts with our brand vision and growth goals.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Social Media Management:
    • Plan, create, and schedule engaging content for Wiply’s social media channels.
    • Monitor performance metrics and optimize campaigns to increase engagement and follower growth.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    • Optimize website content and structure to improve organic search visibility.
    • Conduct keyword research and implement SEO best practices.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:
    • Plan and execute paid campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
    • Monitor and optimize ad performance to achieve high ROI.
  • Email Marketing:
    • Design and execute email campaigns to nurture leads and engage users.
    • Analyze campaign performance and adjust strategies to improve open and click-through rates.
  • Content Creation:
    • Collaborate with the team to develop compelling blog posts, case studies, and promotional materials.
    • Ensure all content aligns with Wiply’s brand voice and goals.
  • Analytics and Reporting:
    • Track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate campaign success.
    • Provide regular reports and insights to inform future marketing efforts.

What We Offer:

  • Remote Work: Enjoy the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world.
  • Growth Opportunity: Be part of a dynamic startup where your contributions will directly impact the company’s success.
  • Creative Freedom: Experiment with new strategies and tools to drive results.
  • Collaborative Team: Work with a supportive and motivated team in an innovative environment.


  • Proven experience in digital marketing, including social media, SEO, PPC, and email marketing.
  • Strong knowledge of tools like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, and email marketing platforms.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Creativity and a data-driven mindset.
  • Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Familiarity with startup culture and a passion for technology is a plus.

How to Apply:
If you're excited about this opportunity and ready to help Wiply grow, contact us directly through this post and share your portfolio or examples of successful campaigns you’ve managed.

Join Wiply and make your mark in shaping the future of social networking!

Job Features

Job CategoryMarketing

About Us:Wiply is a cutting-edge social networking platform designed to provide users with unparalleled customization, privacy, and community engagement features. As a growing startup, we are